Oasis Real Estate
The beauty of real estate is all in balance.
I’m Lara and I am a Toronto Real Estate Broker as well as a Certified Classical Feng Shui Consultant and an Ambassador to Grand Master Tan Yang Wu's school.
My intrinsic understanding that your surrounding environment must have correct energy flow for a fulfilled life ultimately led me into a career path that showcases my passion for both real estate and this School of Chinese Metaphysics. With Oasis Real Estate, I am marrying knowledge from both worlds and this is what sets me and the experience of working with our team apart from others. In addition to a seamless real estate journey, whether you are looking to buy, sell, or invest, Oasis Real Estate strives to help you manifest a mindful lifestyle in your space that benefits your entire well-being.
I have an innate obsession for creating beautiful experiences with people through my meals, spaces and conversations. I am a mother, a hipster at heart, a foodie, a spirited traveler, and a mindfulness and meditation practitioner following the practice of the world renowned peace activist Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh.
Let’s connect on how I can be a part of your feng shui real estate experience!
Mindful Real Estate
Introducing a specialized approach to real estate, rooted in classical feng shui, we will help leverage the potential of any space — from sky-high condos to lakeside retreats. Oasis Real Estate will achieve meaningful results in a space that emphasizes health, unlocks wealth, and to help you find the harmony within. Click below to begin finding your real estate oasis with us.
Mindful Buying Mindful Selling
Classical Feng Shui
There are three forces equally at work in every human being that are interrelated and inseparable from one another known as "The Cosmic Trinity" - Heaven Luck, Man Luck, Earth Luck.
Feng shui seeks to address Earth Luck and ensures people and their surroundings are in complete and favourable sync. Whether you are in the market for new real estate or you’re looking for guidance in your existing space, click below for our classical feng shui services.