Oasis Feng Shui


What is Feng Shui?

Feng shui (pronounced fung shway) is an ancient Chinese system of balancing our physical environment to promote harmony and a sense of well-being and flow. In fact, its very name, meaning “wind and water,” signifies the two elements of flow.

Feng shui practitioners believe that everything (and everyone) in a living space has a certain energy, or “qi” — from a home’s natural, external surroundings to its furnishings and decor. The theory goes that how we arrange those objects can affect all aspects of our lives. Practitioners also use feng shui to address specific areas of concern, such as health, wealth, careers, and relationships. 

Studies have shown that bedrooms using principles of feng shui resulted in improved sleep and health.  And the use of feng shui in office environments can inspire, motivate, and achieve.

Five Elements.png

There are five phases recorded by the Ancients as elements which occur in nature and inhabits our bodies and our lives. The five classes of basic movement in the theory of the five feng shui elements are represented by Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood. They allow a simple understanding of the manifestation of Qi (energy). Everything can be identified as one of the five phases and the interaction of the five phases creates all that exists on the heaven, earth, and human planes. Qi planning and classical feng shui studies the interaction of the five phases to enhance the positive and correct the negative energies in your space.

If there is an identified positive area in your home, classical feng shui consultants use the Growth Cycle to recommend an activation to benefit from this area.

If there is an identified negative area in your home, classical feng shui consultants use the Weakening Cycle to recommend a remedy for the issues in this area.

When planning and designing a space, classical feng shui consultants can give insight on what layouts to avoid by using the Conflicting Cycle as these interactions fight aggressively with one another. This cycle is not used for remedies as the clash can cause more harm than good.

Our roster list of partnerships also includes feng shui interior designers, life coaches, as well as mindfulness and meditation practitioners.

New Living Space

Thinking of looking into a new space? In addition to fulfilling your real estate needs, we also offer the following classical feng shui services!

• Energy assessment of new space prior to purchase or lease
• Advice on whether to as well as when to buy, sell, or invest in new real estate
• Select best property location for your intentions of use and needs of the space

New Builds

Unsure about a space because it’s not built or completed yet? We offer the following classical feng shui real estate planning guidelines to best serve your intentions and energies when you’re in the market for new builds. Contact us if you’re looking at pre-construction homes in the GTA!

• Site selection
• Construction timing
• Building orientation
• Layout of space
• Architecture
• Interior design
• Landscaping

Existing Living Space

Not looking to move, but ready for change? Contact us for the following classical feng shui services for your existing space.

• Renovation planning or review with timing guideline
• Recommendations on how to resolve issues/improve wellbeing in existing homes
• Insight on when to host special events in existing homes